Katherine & Andre at The Trump International Beach Resort

“I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heaven’s open every time she smiles
And when I come to her that’s where I belong
Yet I’m running to her like a river’s song”

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Jacqueline and Becky Stretch Time

“Is it that happy stretch of time when the lovers set to chronicling their passion. When no glance, no tone of voice is so fleeting but it shines with significance. When each moment, each perception is brought out with care, unfolded like a precious gem from its layers of the softest tissue paper and laid in front of the beloved - turned this way and that, examined, considered.”

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Emily and Shahan Transform Passion

The gently waves brushed the shoreline as though a lovers hand brushes the hair from a cheek. Salty air kissed Emily's neck whilst sweet emotion veered her thoughts to Shahan. Each glance he'd made, a memory stolen in time, creating a book of passion only the two could read.

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Danielle and Brian Loving Love

As the sun begins to set upon the gentle waves of the horizon, an array of fiery aesthetics paints the sky in fire, while the warm sands of the Key West beaches begin to cool. The best words to describe Danielle and Brian surrounded by the vibrant colors of night life are quite simple; "Love loves to love love."

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Pamela and Fernando Share the Notion of Forever

Early morning bubbles create clouds to sit upon, as smiles and laughter fill the air. The gentle potion allows for the bold to break through. Confidence in abundance, simply a wonder knowing the one you hold most dear is ready to give her heart in return for yours.

Asking  nothing more than the notion of forever; to hold each other, wake up each morning and go to sleep each night, being  the first and last you’ll see evermore. 

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Azenith and Edward Bottle A Promise

Would you promise the world, would you promise yourself? Could you keep this promise, could you bottle it on a shelf? When the breakfast burns and the laundry is backed up, would you take the bottle and open it up? This promise is more than the sun in the sky it is the very life you'll build as time passes by. 

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